Janaina Dallan
Source: Um Só Planeta
Author: Janaína Dallan
Image: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
"To avoid failure, we need concrete actions and serious commitments made by all leaders involved. Before it's too late" Article by Janaina Dallan for One Planet.
"The 26th United Nations Conference of the Parties, known as COP26, will be held in Glasgow, Scotland. Its goal is to bring together the world's top leaders to debate how we can join forces to address the climate crisis. The agenda in itself is already a win-win, as countries sit together on behalf of a global concern: the environment and the future of the planet."
Read more: https://umsoplaneta.globo.com/opiniao/colunas-e-blogs/janaina-dallan/post/2021/10/5-aspectos-que-voce-precisa-saber-sobre-a-cop-26.ghtml